Prepare to be bombarded by my (or those stolen by me) pictures, words, snapshots, memes, thoughts, photos, rants, drawings, and issues.
All the crazy, none of the commitment.
P.S. The rumor that all redheads have a temper is untrue...but I do have one.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday the Terrible

BAM! My new Facebook cover photo.  -->

Tuesday the terrible, as it shall forever be known. No, not actually. As surprising as it is, especially in the hectic life I am now living and despite the insufficient amounts of sleep I so often must make do with I have had a rather successful day.

Starting out with my 8:00 am Statistics class I immediately followed up the completion of my time in class with the addition of breakfast to my mostly empty stomach, besides the juice sloshing alone against the lining of my stomach walls. Next I treated myself to a well deserved 30 minute nap.

I awoke and trudged through the fresh powder to Psychology where I learned about the organization of the human brain and wrote many a notation to reference in future questions to be posed to the professor. I then took myself slowly up the steep slope leading to the Albertson's Building where I made use of the little known and quite neglected Career Center. I had the extremely helpful and nice woman critique my resume. It now is covered with many blue lines but all very constructive. I left with the knowledge that I am in desperate need of a Master Resume and that I overshot the assignment from my Business prof to create a working resume, apparently I need less information for this assignment. I just have so much to share! So I came away with share less and give details more. I guess I don't make apparent all my talents...

Thankfully after all that work I caught a break and went over to Jesse's apartment where she made us lunch, consisting of egg& cheese sandwiches and scrumptious salads. I then cancelled my polka choreography practice and instead spent some one on one time with myself just doing nothing, maybe it should have been a nap though.

 I ate dinner, salmon and pilaf then left for Ballroom Dance Team practice up until now. Practice is over and I am now starting my 10pm-2am shift at work. Sleep and the comfort of my pillows can't come soon enough. Goodnight, Tuesday the terrible.

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