Prepare to be bombarded by my (or those stolen by me) pictures, words, snapshots, memes, thoughts, photos, rants, drawings, and issues.
All the crazy, none of the commitment.
P.S. The rumor that all redheads have a temper is untrue...but I do have one.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Random Pictures...

This is my new mantra.
This is cute and true.
True, beautiful and peaceful.

I really want to eat this. Anyone wanna make it for me?
Love this. I mean, it's meant to be taken seriously.
"Oh, bother."
I love Pooh Bear. The End.
Something that I need to remember and live by daily.
Interesting article to read, just cause I love dancing!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Overflowing JOY and other random thoughts...

Today I woke up and did not fix my hair = Success!
It is currently in a still slightly damp braid and I feel good knowing I didn't waste time making it look "perfect".
Yesterday I realized, my heart isn't ready for a new relationship. No matter how attractive that tall dark male is...

I woke up this morning, after going to bed at 11:30ish last night (earliest since school started) refreshed and feeling good. I enjoy ten hours of sleep.

Monday I went to a concert and enjoyed a band with a bad word in their name, Star F___er.
Fill in the blank yourslef.
I really do like them though.

Yesterday I spent a few minutes staring outside enjoying the snow fall (even if it was changing to slush upon impact). Unfortunately this means the beginning of the end to my most beloved beautiful Fall and hello to the ew gross-ness of murky wet fall right before the glories of real winter.

Remember how in my last post I taked about the feeling of growth in my life?
Well, I think it's greatly because of my change in attitude and how I've started to give up my need for control.I'm learning that worry gets me no where and it's easier to give it up to God, then
wave goodbye with a smile!
Now I will leave you with a crowd favorite!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tardiness and Thanksgiving

I realize I haven't been posting lately and as such may be liable to be labeled a slacker blogger. In an attempt to save myself from such awful humiliation I present to you my blog post on I guess.

Recently my life has been quite busy, some may even venture to say overwhelming. As a freshman in college I now am learning to balance my incredibly large school work load (comes free when taking 15 credits), my job as an Information Desk Attendent for University Housing, my church commitments (including my new affiliation with the Resonate Volunteer Connections Team and my pursuit of Ownership in the church I've begun to call home), and the ever increasing amount of time I spend on my passion for dancing and the ensuing involvment in the University Ballroom Dance Team.

Also I've recently experianced some radical and exciting additions to my life: a used car( in desperate need of liscence plate, oil change, new timing belt, and air filter) as well as multiple new friends, including but not limited to; a tall dark male that just gushes steamy intrigue, deep thoughts, and butterfly inducing looks, two female friends perfect for long term friendship and willing to share in life with me as well as the continual pursuit of Christ and growth that we've all come to adopt as our life's pursuit, a roommate that although dearly liked causes more annoyance than I'm sure she is aware of (poor girl), a church small group (Village) that I have comed to LOVE (hipster peeps and all), an extraordinary lack of sleep, the bad habit of smoking the occassional cigarette with the guys, a realization that real life bills are more difficult to manage than those on paper, and an appreciation for those who give up their valuable time to love me, help shape and mold my heart into the more giving and accepting heart of Christ, desire only good for me, pray for me, surrender moments of guided reflection and advice, and most of all encourage me.

Today has been a day filled only with Joy and Thanfulness. Complete awe at HIS work and care. Peace, patience, gentleness, apprecaition, self-control, kindness, goodness, beauty, quiet and music. I woke longing to stay beneath my warm springtime green covers, slightly annoyed by the continous sound of my roommate's alarm - realizing that I'd had a dream about an epidemic resembling ebola oddly enough. I pulled myself out of bed, readied for my day and then proceeded on my bi-weekly jaunt to English 102. Being let out early I took the time to sit quietly in my next class and read/pray over the list of God's Armor, requesting that I be given it's protection throughout my day. I arouse from my trance full of peace which then slowly morphed into joy throughout my morning. After class I went to meet a wonderful young women I have been meeting with for the last few months and we proceeded through our weekly discussion of one of the Biblical truths (this time about the Holy Spirit), I luckily had been able to enjoy my first meal of the day at the beginning of said meeting ( a turkey bagel sandwich) and then proceeded to share my treat with said beautiful women , consisting of a pumpkin muffin, I also enjoyed a latte. Afterwards I went and met with another beautiful women I've come to appreciate and praise God for putting in my life, but firstly I signed up for a group project in my seminar class. I enjoyed a varied discussion of current going-ons over a delicious cup of acai berry tea and this wonderous women's apartment then afterwards retured to my dorm where I proceeded to "study" before my last class of the day. After attending said class, I ate dinner and eventually found myself here, updating all who care to know about the present condition of my heart, mind, and life. What a wonderous day the Lord has made, is it not?

Spoken Word amazingness at Church
Here is an amazing preformance of Spoken Word that an amazing young women graced us with at church this Sunday.

This is a little bit of what has been taking up my life recently:

This is sort of what I feel like God has been doing with my life recently, for which I am so thankful. Just in the last few months since school started I've noticed a difference in myself and a maturity that has made me so much more peaceful.
 - A song that brings me joy (band made up completely of beloved friends)
- via the Worship Pastor at my new home church
I hope you've enjoyed my epically long blog post and that it's made up for my abscence.
Love, Kelsey