Sometimes fear can keep you from good things. It can keep you from trying new foods, meeting new people, doing what you love, traveling, investing in friendships. I never thought I let fear rule my decisions until recently.
I've come to realise that the fear I deny and refuse to acknowledge has caused me to miss out on little opprotunities.
Things like staying out late at the skate park with my family because I'm afraid I won't eat or I'll go to bed too late, declining invitations to do something fun because I don't know the people well enough or I feel like I'd be intruding to accept what in my mind is a "pity-invite", or not talking to someone I genuinely enjoy the companionship of just because my feelings about that person aren't where they're supposed to be or because I've decided I don't trust men after all the trauma in my life recently.
Fear can really take control of your life and you won't even notice it because you're making excuses, you're too lazy, or it's just easier to ignore the problem, person, situation.
Fear robs you. Don't become a victim, a victim like I've been.
Take your fear and give it away.
Like a dandelion fuzzy let it float up and away in the summer wind, never to be nourished by you again.